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Gaines Hall Classes at MSU

Western Civ. II
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Spring 2008 - History 107 - Western Civilization II

A fascinating course in Western History

World Puzzle
Learning world history is like
assembling a jigsaw puzzle.

Professor David Large teaches my History 107, Western Civilization from 1750 to the present. Professor Large taught at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut for six years. He worked with Professor Donald Kagan and was Dean of Pierson College at Yale.

According to Wikipedia "Pierson has been traditionally renowned for its thriving social life and previously had the reputation of consistently trailing in Yale academic rankings. In 2004, however, the College was awarded the Gimble Cup for highest average GPA at Yale."

Our text is The Western Heritage written by Donald Kagan, Steven Ozment and Frank Turner. Donald Kagan is a well known professor at Yale University and often lends his voice to student causes.

I see History 107 like a jigsaw puzzle. The lectures and course reading supply all the needed pieces but putting them together is often difficult.

"All men by nature desire knowledge."

Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)

"There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance."

Socrates (469 BC - 399 BC)

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Notes from Lectures

Acouple of weeks into class Professor Large asked if any student would be interested in taking notes for another student. I did not think that my notes were very good but I volunteered. Much to my surprise, the recipient found my notes to his liking. He told his friend and soon word got around. Last Thursday three of my classmates asked for copies of my notes. That night I decided to put them on my personal web site, TimsLife.Com, so everyone can download them.

My notes are written in prose rather than a form of shorthand. I discovered that if I form and write full thoughts about what our professor is saying, I can remember my notes more easily. I write my notes quickly so sometimes I use abbreviations and I often misspell words. On the rare occasions when I already know what our professor is talking about, my notes are thin. Otherwise I try to cover the main ideas of the lecture and supporting arguments. My notes work for me and I hope they help you too.

I use HP software to scan my notes and create PDFs. Unfortunately the software has a flaw where it scans some pages upside down. You can turn them around on the screen within Adobe Reader or simply print them and turn the paper page around.

Download my History 107 notes

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